Home Tourism best place to visit in japan for first timer

best place to visit in japan for first timer

by Kohinoor Creation

The top travel destinations amongst most people and that. Japan’s sheer number of activities, from its attractions to its scenic views to its food, it’s almost unmatched. Japan is the travel interns’ most frequently visited country and we’ve been everywhere from its high-tech megacities to its quiet countryside.

There is an abundance of choice in Japan and there is something for any and every type of traveler. Japan is a country of contrasts and thus it can be a little bit difficult to choose where and how to spend your precious time here. So we wanted to share our own experiences and our favorite things to do by creating this travel guide. Hi, hello, My name is Clarence, and in this video, I’ll be covering what I believe is the ideal way of traveling to Japan.

There are so many things to do here, that it’s nearly impossible to squeeze them all into one video. So today I’ll just be covering the more popular destinations and the highlights to do over there. And if you’d like a more detailed itinerary with proper budget breakdowns, there are. In the script. We have budget guides, we have a 30-day backpacking guide that covers 12 cities.

We even have a Michelin Food Guide. So yeah, go check them out. And yeah, pack your bags. Let’s get started. To start off, we arrive in Japan via plane and land in Tokyo. The first thing you might want to head up is your accommodation. Japan is a highly developed country, but that doesn’t mean it has to be expensive. There are many affordable accommodation options, but a unique one would be a capsule hotel experience.

You get a little cube all to yourself and honestly, that’s all you really need because you’re not spending all your time with the hotel. They’re out there exploring Tokyo’s good mix between the Super modern and the Super ancient. One example of the Super ancient would be the Sensoji Temple, Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple.

It is massive, flanked by huge lanterns that beautiful ceiling paintings, their statue of deities. You can cleanse at the small stone fountain and then get your fortune reading at the shrine, and you can even dress up in a kimono and take some photos there. They’re really great for IG shots. And while you’re dressed up, hop on a rickshaw for a different view of the city. Speaking of views, we cannot miss out on the iconic Shibuya Crossing, probably the busiest crosswalk in the world. You might wanna head up high if you wanna grab some six shots off the crossing.

Tokyo is also the land of the quickie. There is this robot restaurant. It offers not only a dining experience, it also features some pretty out-of-this-world performances. There are robots, there are dinosaurs, there’s lasers, there’s lights, there’s loud music. It’s always a good time.OK, I always try to sneak in this attraction every time I talk about Japan. I’m talking about a bar. Kagaya bar. OK, I don’t wanna share too much too a spoiled experience, but I’ll tell you this, OK? The menu is written in crayon, the cups vibrate when you come up, and there are, let’s say, exotic performances every single time you order entry.It’s a lot, Yeah, I know.

But if that’s not your thing, then you can head over to the Koran Sakte market for some free float sake. You can choose from 100 different kinds of Japanese rice wine. They even have more unique flavors like mango matcha milk. But if I were you, I’d be really careful.Because.They’re really, really easy to drink. They don’t taste alcohol at. And before leaving Tokyo, stop by the Aqua Bar region. It is known as the Electric Town and it’s famous for anime, manga, and cosplay. And were you there, do check out the massive Donkey Hote Megastore.

It’s a great place for souvenirs to find a lot of weird stuff over there. It’s just all around fun time and after touring. You can also take a trip to the nearby prefecture of Fuji and climb the iconic Mount Fuji. The height can be completed within a day, but we do recommend training up just a little bit before you do a summit climb. An acute souvenir for you to bring home is your hiking stick. You can get your hiking stick stamped at each rest point you come across. Pro-tip, if you don’t like hikes, head over to Lake Kawaguchiko for some great views of Mount Fuji and also stop by to get the blueberry soft serve. It makes the mountain views that much sweeter.

But for even better views of Mount Fuji, head over to Fuji Q. It houses the world’s steepest roller coaster drop at 121 degrees. Good luck.Has.Never gonna take that. And after spending a few days in Tokyo and Fuji, pack your bags and hop on the Shinkansen. It is going to take us through the ancient city of Kyoto. You can check out the Japan Rail Pass if you’re planning to take a Shinkansen multiple times, or if you’re planning to jump from city to city.

A Quick guide on how to make the most out of your Shinkansen experience will be in the description below. So getting around Japan is actually really, really easy thanks to its highly connected transportation network. I’d stay away from taxis, though, because they tend to be a little bit more. I see. All you need is an IC card, which will work in most of Japan’s largest cities. They’re mostly used for public transportation, but you can also use them in certain stores and even vending machines. But I digress, yes Cure Accuro is very different compared to the neon-lit streets of Tokyo. History and tradition come up a lot more in this city.

One of its most notable landmarks is the Fushimi Inari shrine, famous for its thousands of Torii gates. Each of them donated for gratitude or hope for good. And if you’re up for more natural scenery, head over to the Arashiyama area and there you will find the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. But do come here early if you want to beat the crowds.

The Nishiki Market is also a great place to check out their houses. Hundreds of small little stores and it is here where you get to taste some great local food.If you want to check out the more cultural side of things, we recommend that you check out the Kiyomizu Dera Temple, the 10 Ryuji Temple, and the Gion District. and now that you’ve seen the beautiful city of kyoto make a quick stop by the small prefecture of Nara its main attraction

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